hukuman bagi pembeli togel
Lottery gambling is a betting game that is widely played by the lower class. Togel targets the poor because of its low value. Even though it is cheap, the punishment for anyone who buys this type of gambling is the same.
Many people underestimate this threat and keep playing lottery gambling secretly. Raids are often carried out to bring order to lottery actors, both buyers and dealers found in the community.
This of course is against the existing regulations. People who are still nagging to buy lottery usually get the lure of tempting prizes so that they will be tempted. In several raids that were held, many were caught and said that the prizes were very profitable.
For example, a lottery dealer sells a coupon for IDR 10,000 to a lottery player. In one round, the prize offered when you win can reach IDR 100,000 or ten times the bet.
With quick results like this, of course, many people want to make money quickly without trying hard. This will encourage someone to be more lazy and depend on the lottery for their life. Even though the chances of winning from the lottery game are very small. Not necessarily someone who places a bet will win in one play.
This kind of loss is of course experienced by lottery gambling players. Lottery coupon buyers will continue to buy because there is a sense of addiction. Then what is the penalty for lottery buyers from a legal point of view?
Indonesia is a legal state that uses law as the foundation of the state. What is not spared is the regulations regarding gambling, including lottery. Togel and other types of gambling are regulated in Article 303 and Article 303 bis of the Criminal Code (“KUHP”). In addition, it is also regulated in Law Number 7 of 1974 concerning Gambling Control (“Law 7/1974”).
In article 303 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, it is stated that there is a threat of a maximum imprisonment of 10 years or a maximum fine of Rp. 25 million for buyers or lottery players. This penalty applies to anyone caught intentionally playing the lottery.
The criteria for being called a gambling or lottery player are people who play all kinds of games with the possibility of making a profit by placing bets. So that anyone who intentionally participates in gambling and lottery will get the same punishment.
Meanwhile, Article 1 of Law Number 7 of 1974 states that gambling and lottery are forms of crime so that they can be punished. Previously, Article 542 of the Criminal Code explained that gambling is a form of violation. After the revision, gambling and lottery were determined as a form of crime.
In addition to the two articles above, lottery buyers are also threatened with other penalties. If someone does lottery online, then the article that punishes him will be added to the ITE Law. This law regulates activities in the electronic world.
In article 27 paragraph 2 of Law number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions it is stated that anyone who is involved in online gambling will be punished according to the previous rules.
For those who violate the ITE Law regarding this gambling article, they will be subject to a maximum prison sentence of 6 years or a maximum fine of IDR 1 billion. this rule has been written in Article 45 paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning ITE.
The lottery gambling raids carried out by the police function to bring order to the community from disturbing forms of social problems. Togel for the community is an activity that is neither beneficial nor detrimental.
In the results of police tracking in Gorontalo in 2019, four residents were found playing lottery. This game is done by placing bets in the form of money. The four were arrested while playing lottery on Jl. Bali, Paguyaman Village, Central City District, Gorontalo City.
The police on duty at the time said that the four of them could be sentenced to a maximum of 10 years in prison for violating Article 303 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. The suspects in this case are TR alias Tatan (46), SA alias Supriyanto (46), UD alias Ulin (53) and LR alias Lukman (54). The four of them are not only involved in lottery, but also playing playing cards.
With the threat of punishment and routine raids carried out, it is hoped that the community will be deterred and no longer repeat their actions. So that lottery numbers can be suppressed and eradicated. The punishment for these lottery buyers should deter them.
Last July 2020, the police arrested six suspects involved in online lottery gambling in NTT. The six perpetrators were arrested while they were filling in numbers on an online lottery site.
The evidence obtained was 4 android cellphones, 3 nokia cellphones, Rp. 1,957,000 in money, lottery number books, calculators, and stationery. The lottery player, located in Wae Reca, Rana Loba Village, Borong District, NTT, was arrested after reports from residents.
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