In Indonesia, gambling is an activity that is prohibited. This prohibition is carried out by the state, religion and society itself. Many people are desperate to play gambling even though this has been prohibited. So many people are looking for ways on healing gambling addict so they are no longer addicted.
People who are gambling crazily will be very troubling for many parties For example, a gambling addict who runs out of betting money will commit a criminal act in order to get money. Some of the cases found were gambling addicts who ran out of reckless money to steal. Some others also commit acts of fraud.
Public unrest with this gambling of course encourages gambling to be prohibited. Even though it’s been banned, there are still many people who are still determined to play this game. They play illegally and in secret.
There are lots of raids carried out by the authorities as a way on healing gambling addict. Some that are often found in these raids are lottery gambling, soccer gambling, and cockfighting gambling. As for the type of online gambling, raids are still difficult to do because the tracking system is quite difficult.
If someone is addicted to gambling and crazy with this game, then an effort is needed on healing gambling addict at that person. This effort can be done medically and non-medically. Medically, of course, it is carried out by professionals in their fields, for example psychologists and psychiatrists. While non-medical can be done in several ways.
In the medical world, gambling addiction is a form of health disorder. Psychological science views gambling as a ‘disorder’. Playing gambling has a very influential impact on a person’s mental condition.
When a gambling mad person plays bets, he will find it difficult to get out of the trap. When a gambler loses, he will be curious. However, when a person wins, he will become addicted. Both of them make someone come back to the gambling table and place useless bets.
Psychological science views that someone who is gambling crazy has a low ability to read odds. This is because they will play and make decisions beyond reason and logic. As a result they do not think rationally and sensibly.
There are many ways that can be done on healing gambling addict person. One of them is in a psychological way. This method of course involves people who are experts in this field, namely official psychologists. By visiting an expert, addiction will be given the appropriate treatment.
Treatment in the world of medical psychology usually uses two ways. The first way is with social therapy. This means that the psychologist will build a dialogue with gambling addicts in order to change the behavior of someone who is addicted to gambling.
This therapy uses the planting of a mindset so that someone can change for the better. Before doing this therapy, of course someone who is addicted to gambling must have a strong and serious intention to quit gambling.
A person who is addicted to gambling and wants to recover must realize that he is addicted and must stop all gambling. He must keep away from everything that smells of gambling even if only watching it.
The second way in the world of medical psychology is to use drugs. This drug is given to control hormones and compounds produced in the brain. To get this type of drug, the patient must go to a psychiatrist and have a consultation first.
Various religions and beliefs prohibit gambling and all types of betting. Gambling has a bad effect on both players and other people. Thus, people who are addicted to gambling must be cured so that they do not get worse. That is why we have to looking for ways on healing gambling addict person
Healing gambling addict can be done medically by involving psychologists and psychiatrists. Meanwhile, non-medically, people who are addicted to gambling can also be treated.
In Islam, people who gamble must repent and pray to Allah SWT. in order to be kept away from bad deeds. The closer a person is to God, then he will be kept away from bad activities such as gambling.
A person who wants to completely stop gambling games must pray repentance and ask Allah SWT for forgiveness. Prayer taubah nasuha is done to realize that one’s actions are wrong and will return to the right path. After that, do repentance prayers so that his heart will be holy again.
When you have prayed for repentance and pray for forgiveness, a person who has been addicted to gambling must be serious about leaving him. Any activity related to gambling should not be approached.
Also do a prayer every five daily prayers to keep away from bad deeds. This prayer is intended so that all actions have benefits and not bad or misleading activities. Here’s the prayer:
Allahumma inni as-aluka fi’lal khoirot wa tarkal munkarot wa hubbal masakin wa an-taghfirli wa tarhamni wa iza aradta fitnata kowmin fatawaffani ghairo maftunin. Allahumma inni as-aluka hubbaka wa hubba man yuhibbuka wa hubba ‘amalin yuqorribu ila hubbika.
Artinya: “Ya Allah, aku memohon kepada-Mu untuk mudah melakukan kebaikan dan meninggalkan kemungkaran serta aku memohon pada-Mu supaya bisa mencintai orang miskin, ampunilah (dosa-dosa)ku dan juga rahmatilah aku. Jika Engkau hendak menguji suatu kaum, maka wafatkanlah aku dalam keadaan tidak tenggelam dalam ujian. Ya Allah, aku memohon agar dapat mencintai-Mu, mencintai orang-orang yang mencintai-Mu dan mencintai amal yang dapat mendekatkan diriku kepada cinta-Mu.
People who like to gamble, of course, get a bad label from the community around where they live. They will be shunned by many people because they have the potential to commit criminal acts.
The law takes firm action against the impact of these gambling crimes. The harmful effects outweigh the benefits.
Lots of gambling players who come from the poor play bets and hope to win. Even though the more they participate in gambling, the greater the potential for that person to be economically poor.
Dealing with a gambling crazier is of course a little difficult if no advice is available. Of course, groups of gamblers who live in an area will feel anxious if a gambling ecosystem is formed in it. This environment can have a negative impact, especially in the social and development sphere of children.
So what can be done on healing gambling addict is to provide counseling and warning. The RT head as the smallest regional leader must strictly prohibit the community from gambling in any form. This control is done to prevent bad things in the future.
As a citizen who obeys the rules and laws, of course he feels uneasy if gambling is rampant in his neighborhood. Residents can report to the police to carry out control raids.
By following the procedure, reporting can be done by contacting the nearest polsek or polres which is the administrative area concerned. This report is provided with the aim of curbing illegal gambling. The police will then take firm action by carrying out direct raids into the area according to the report.
Village officials can educate the community about the prevention of gambling. This education must be carried out from an early age so that people become information literate. With prevention, the community will not be interested and create gambling groups in their environment.
What must also be watched out for is maintaining local security. This is because criminal acts such as theft could occur under the pretext of betting money.
Playing gambling in Indonesia is completely against the applicable regulations. Historically, gambling has been legalized by the government, but this has led to pros and cons. As a result of the polemic that exists, gambling is completely prohibited.
The prohibition of gambling is of course to create a conducive and orderly society. gambling is part of social distortion and a form of social problem. Some even say that gambling is a form of crime. Then what is the punishment for people who are gambling crazy?
A gambling buyer means a person who places bets and makes transactions in the hope of winning the lottery. Gambling buyers are currently found through online gambling sites. With a certain nominal amount, buyers can place bets.
This convenience encourages buyers or gambling players to become increasingly prevalent in the community. They played in a hidden and illegal way in order not to be caught by the authorities. Of course this violates the existing regulations.
How are the penalties prescribed for those who buy gambling? This is regulated in the law Article 303 and Article 303 bis Criminal Code (“KUHP”). The regulation provides an explanation that people who buy or play gambling can be subject to imprisonment.
The maximum prison sentence for gambling is 10 years in prison or a maximum fine of 25 million rupiah. Even though this punishment is heavy, there are still many people who are not deterred and instead play with certain bets. There needs to be a more resolute effort to bring these people in order.
Gambling will be difficult to run when there are no bookmakers working. Gambling bookies work as gambling service providers, both online and offline. In distributing gambling to players, sometimes bookies are also assisted by retailers.
The involvement of the three greatly perpetuates gambling activities in the community. Of course this is very unsettling for the community. The network created in this gambling alliance seems to be an invisible group that is harmful.
As with gambling players, bookies are prohibited from operating in accordance with Article 303 and Article 303 bis of the Criminal Code (“KUHP”). Penalties in the form of a maximum imprisonment of 10 years or a maximum fine of Rp. 25 million are stipulated for the bookies.
Responding to online gambling, the government has also tightened the flow of online gambling that is illegal to do. Through the ITE Law, online gambling also regulates penalties for online gambling players and service providers.
The ITE Law article 27 paragraph 2 Law number 11 of 2008 stipulates that anyone who is involved in electronic transactions related to online gambling will be subject to punishment. This penalty is written in Article 45 paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 Year 2016 concerning ITE. The punishment is in the form of imprisonment for a maximum of 6 years or a maximum fine of Rp. 1 billion.
With this stipulated punishment, the government and society have high hopes that gambling actors will become deterrent. Apart from the law, the government, through an official body, is always in charge of holding raids. It takes cooperation from many parties so that controlling gambling can be successful. So that illegal gambling can be eradicated.
Gambling is a forbidden activity. This is due to the nature of gambling, which contains an element of betting and often has a bad impact. When someone starts to try gambling, he will feel addicted.
The addiction generated in playing gambling will create a person who is addicted to gambling. A person’s insanity towards gambling certainly has a negative impact on him or the local environment.
In religion, gambling is an item that must be shunned because it violates sharia and religious principles. When someone breaks this rule, of course there are consequences that must be accepted. This consequence can be accepted both in this world and in the hereafter.
There is a concept called doom, in which a person will receive a reward for a bad deed done. Gambling is a type of bad deed so that it can get painful punishment in the future, that is why we need to know the ways on healing gambling addict.
Already many people have received punishment from gambling activities. For example, while still in the world, the punishment that was inflicted could be in the form of material bankruptcy. The bankruptcy of a gambling madman shows that this game has no benefits and benefits. So that gambling must be shunned.
The punishment that is non-material can be in the form of being ostracized by the surrounding community. Gambling is one of the activities that is included in the list of criminal acts. So that someone who plays gambling is a criminal. Society will give bad views to this person who gambles.
Meanwhile, when a gambler has died, there will be a reward received during the afterlife. Allah SWT. threatens those who break the rules with the threat of hell’s torments. This punishment certainly serves as a warning for people who are still living in the world to stay away from existing prohibitions.
Gambling games provide generous and generous bonus offers so that people will be tempted. When in fact, gambling provides even greater losses. Regardless of the profit you will get, gambling will bankrupt someone.
For people who are addicted to gambling, they will continue to feel happy at the gambling table and spend betting money. This bet is what makes someone dragged into the abyss of bankruptcy. So many people are looking for ways on healing gambling addict in fast time.
Lots of cases have been found where people lost their assets up to billions of rupiah. After experiencing bankruptcy, what then threatens is the threat of debt. This debt is caused by running out of money and having to start life again. There are even people who are desperate to go into debt to play gambling.
Many businessmen and artists have stumbled on gambling cases and lost a lot of money. By gambling, they then also have to taste imprisonment. Others later lost their jobs after being involved in a gambling scandal. Very detrimental, right?I
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